Hokiīŋa Rapa Nui
Ka Haka Hoki Mai Te Mana Tupuna (Give us back the mana of our ancestors) is a grassroots organization and community-based program for the repatriation, care, and reburial of Ivi Tupuna (human remains of Rapa Nui origin). The Rapa Nui Repatriation Program (RNRP) is organized around two main working teams: the Motuha Hokiīŋa or repatriation team and the Koro Oroŋo, its advisory panel. The Motuha Hokiīŋa team is responsible for carrying on repatriation research, procedures, and negotiations for international repatriations, as well as for conducting research on the excavation contexts and tribal affiliation of repatriated Tupuna. The Koro Oroŋo is formed by respected members of the Rapa Nui community, knowledgeable in Rapa Nui history, worldviews and genealogy. This committee provides support to the repatriation team on issues of cultural protocols and facilitates communication with the community.
In a partnership agreement with the Anthropology Museum Father Sebastián Englert (MAPSE), the RNRP has secured a Hare Tapu or special deposit for the temporary rest of repatriated Tupuna, located at MAPSE. This museum-community collaboration signals the beginning of a renewed role of MAPSE as Hoa Kona, or guardian, that regards Ivi Tupuna as Tupuna, or ancestors, to be cared for in a consistent and culturally appropriate manner until time is determined for the Ivi Tupuna to return to their original contexts or to an appropriate final resting place.
Kōhau Roŋo Roŋo Matu'a — Repatriation Digital Database Project
Kōhau Roŋo Roŋo Matu'a is a digital restorative project for the creation of a fully documented digital database of Rapa Nui Ivi Tupuna (human remains) and Tao'a (cultural treasures) currently dispersed at holding institutions around the world. With focus on knowledge sustainability and restoration, this project aims at two main purposes: to reconnect the Rapa Nui people with our globally dispersed cultural heritage and to create a culturally safe data-sharing system that stores all documentation in place for a more systematic approach to future repatriations. This is an on-going project which preliminary results are being migrated to the database in a regular basis. It can be accessed at http://www.repatriacion.org/bases-de-datos
Ka Haka Hoki Mai Te Mana Tupuna (Devuélvannos el mana de los ancestros) es un programa basado, gestado y gestionado por la comunidad rapa nui. El Programa de Repatriación Rapa Nui (PRRN) es una organización independiente y autónoma para la repatriación, cuidado y re-entierro de Ivi Tupuna (restos humanos de origen rapa nui). El programa se organiza en torno a dos equipos principales, el Motuha Hokiīŋa o equipo técnico de repatriación, y el Koro Oroŋo o comité de consejeros, los que trabajan de manera conjunta. El equipo técnico de repatriación está conformado por profesionales rapa nui y se encarga de llevar a cabo las investigaciones, procedimientos y negociaciones para las repatriaciones internacionales, así como las investigaciones del contexto de excavación y afiliación territorial de los ancestros repatriados. El comité de consejeros está conformado por respetados miembros de la comunidad rapa nui, conocedores de la historia de Rapa Nui, genealogía y prácticas y conocimientos culturales. Este comité presta apoyo al equipo técnico en sus investigaciones y en materias de protocolos culturales, así como facilita la comunicación con la comunidad para coordinar las ceremonias de re-entierro.